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  • Writer's pictureSkin Guru

Style with Care: 3 Skin-Harming Hair Products to Avoid

It's nice to think that good skincare stops with the products you apply directly to your face, but this isn't the case. As your body's largest organ, the skin absorbs up to 60% of substances applied to it—which means that you need to be mindful of products besides facial cleansers and moisturizes. Today, we've collected some of the worst offenders in the hair product category. Style at your own risk!

  1. Clairol Herbal Essences Naked Sheer Shine Mist: This product, which promises to give you the kind of shine only seen on TV commercials, also contains a number of mint oils. Although these might give it a pleasant smell, they also irritate your scalp.

  2. TRESemme ColorThrive Brunette Shampoo: In addition to reviewers claiming that this product did little to preserve the color of their precious locks, customers also reported excessively itchy scalps after washing.

  3. Head & Shoulders Classic Clean Dandruff Shampoo: Even though this shampoo is designed to combat dry skin, it contains a troubling ingredient: the detergent, Sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS). Compounds in this family can actually increase dryness. So much for dandruff relief!

So next time you're shopping for shampoo, conditioner, or styling products, be sure to read labels--and reviews--before making your purchase!

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